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About us

We are die Initiative GemEinsamkeit. The term „GemEinsamkeit“ signifies that by attaching the prefix „Gem“ (indicating together) to Einsamkeit (Loneliness) to turn it into Connectedness (Gemeinsamkeit). We have identified Loneliness and social isolation as urgent problems of our society which may afflict anyone of any background

Our Task is to support emotional connectedness by giving those afflicted of loneliness a voice, pass on knowledge and present projects that foster meaningful connections inside communities. With our work we enhance the awareness for the impact of loneliness and social isolation and at the same time reduce the attached stigmatisation. 

What we intend

Our goal is to contribute to a society in which everyone feels valued, supported and connected. We do this via four levers:

1. Building a community

We create transparency in the german eco-system of actors working against loneliness and we support the interdisciplinary collaboration by the creation of a community.

2. Destigmatization

We support the nationwide collaboration in the destigmatisation of loneliness as a taboo topic in society.

3. Sensitisation

We tackle society with the entire society in view and make the perspective of lonely people to available and understandable to decision makers.

4. Exchange of experience

We collaborate with international agents and organisations and make promising approaches and interventions available in Germany.

How we organise ourselves

The Initiative GemEinsamkeit is a small team of engaged people who believe that everyone should deserve and experience belonging. We share the tasks as they arise and look forward to further team additions.

Oliver Berlin

Oliver thinks that loneliness concerns everyone in society. Thus he tackles the issue with his startup Little World connecting language learners with native speakers.

Elke Schilling

Loneliness can affect anyone in society, and hits elderly people particularly hard. Thus Elke has offered with her Initiative Silbernetz e.V. contact and information for elderly people afflicted bz loneliness. With this experience she also is active for the Initiative GemEinsamkeit.

Christian Langkamp
Project coordinator

Christian believes that new and old friendships between people is the key to the mitigation of loneliness and thus is engaged in the initiative.